November 23, 2010

Update -

1) The Tag Project just had a wonderful event at Poway High School's AVID program this past Friday!! Both Linda Canada and Lindsey Nitake worked VERY hard with large groups of 70 students with tags for Jerome. Linda showed a powerpoint show documenting the history of THE TAG PROJECT, and Lindsey talked about her involvement as a volunteer, and also spoke to students about college life and the importance of education beyond high school.

Many thanks again to Karen Kawasaki-Williams for her invitation to her class!

2) Xavier Vasquez has been shooting additional footage for the Tag Project video, and preparing to collaborate with Wendy Maruyama with a short documentary video with interviews with former internees, volunteers, students, teachers and children. We have some wonderful shots of Dr. Francis Tanaka talking to yonsei volunteer Lindsey Nitake about the internment, shots of graduate students aging the tags, and former internees and young Japanese Americans working side by side on the tags.

3) We have found a new venue for the debut of The Tag Project, scheduled for March 2012. More information to follow as plans become official. But the Tag Project will debut in SAN DIEGO.

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